基于Qualcomm CSR8670及Lofelt haptic震动蓝芽耳机方案

还记得聆听演唱会或演奏会那种音场的震撼, 低频音波打在身上的感觉吗? 现在你不需要购票参加演唱会或演奏会了, 只需要一只Qualcomm CSR8670加上Lofelt haptic actuator以及独家的DSP处理技术的耳机即可让你享受这种亲临演唱会演奏会的震撼及感动.

CSR8670具备相当优异的96dB stereo codec DAC输出, 而Lofelt haptic actuator则是经由CSR8670 I2S输出到Lofelt main board DSP处理后再透过class D audio amplifier推动.

音乐信号经由CSR8670 analog path输出到speaker的同时Lofelt haptic actuator走I2S这个digital path来产生跟着音乐节拍震动的效果. 就是这样的工作模式让你享受高音质音乐的同时又能被如临演唱会或演奏会现场的低频音波所震撼感动.






The headset equip with haptic vibration feature when listen to music -HW: .Dynamic wide-band haptic actuator .Up to 7.1G force and fast reaction time .High mechanical reliability and silent operation -SW: .Patented software processing creates haptic output from any audio signal .Adaptive algorithm with user-adjustable intensity control .Efficient real-time processing with less than 6ms latency(audio to haptic)


.State of the art on haptic technology to enhance user experience on music, gaming and movie .Music stream by bluetooth and wired audio .Advanced DSP algorithms convert audio to optimal wideband haptic signal with ultra-low latency